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It can be intimidating to check into alcohol rehab in India, but there are ways to overcome any possible fear and get the assistance you deserve! While we are normally worried about what people think of us, it's important that we try not to let this stop us from getting the help we need.

In today’s society, there are stigmas associated with addiction, affecting many people.

Thoughts and opinions on sobriety do not always fall into black and white categories. Society has many different ways of perceiving people who struggle with substance use disorders, but all people fighting addiction want to be respected by their peers, loved for who they are, and given support in recovery. It’s crucial that nobody feels ashamed of the trauma their loved ones or themselves are going through. Everyone deserves the chance to achieve sobriety. With the right tools and support from those closest to them, anyone can have a happy, sober life capable of meeting their personal aspirations.

Addiction does not discriminate. In fact, it is as if it doesn’t have a specific demographic at all. So many people are victims of addiction – they know that they’re losing time due to their inability to overcome an addiction and yet they still can’t put an end to it no matter how hard they try. Addiction knows no race, social class, age group, or gender and anyone reading this who feels like they may be struggling with an addiction should go see their doctor immediately.

At the individual and family levels, alcohol and drug addiction are traditionally considered a private matter, something only whispered about. Even when the symptoms of the disease are obvious all around, individuals and families too often avoid seeking help for fear of even acknowledging the problem. At the community and societal levels, the same undercurrent of addiction stigma keeps drug and alcohol addiction underdiagnosed, under-treated, under-funded, and misunderstood by many, especially as compared to other chronic health conditions such as heart disease, asthma, and diabetes. [1]

In order to overcome the stigma attached to addiction, and make a change for the better in your life, which will help you rise above the stigma society has imposed on those suffering from the disease. Here is an article on how you can pursue ways around these stigmas in order to get yourself some help.

What is Stigma?

The term “stigma” is used to represent the complex attitudes, beliefs, and practices that interact with one another at different levels of society, and manifest in prejudicial attitudes about and discriminatory practices towards people suffering from mental health problems. Attention to stigmatizing laws and regulations enables examination of prejudice and other forms of discrimination against people suffering from mental health problems. [2]

A stigma is not a positive image of yourself or the quality you possess but instead a type of curse that can have negative effects on your life in many ways. Stigmas may give people a sense of humiliation and make them feel ashamed, worthless, and hopeless about themselves. A stigma could prevent people from seeking the help they need when they need it.

Some gains have been made in reducing stigma regarding certain conditions including depression; public education and widespread use of effective medications have demystified the disease, making it somewhat less taboo now than it was in past generations. However, little progress has been made in reducing the stigma around addiction; people with substance use disorders continue to be blamed for their affliction. They are often looked at as having "moral weakness" even though medicine long ago reached a consensus that addiction is a complex brain disorder with behavioral components like impulsivity but the public and even many in healthcare and the justice system continue to view it as a result of bad character or lack of morality. One cannot deny the influence of factors outside an individual’s control on susceptibility to addiction. Things like genetics or the environment where one is born and raised clearly play a major role in whether or not someone becomes addicted. As such, medical care may be necessary to receive appropriate treatment to facilitate recovery as well as avert the worst consequences. [3]

When dealing with drug addiction or alcoholism it’s important for you not to let the judgment of others keep you from getting the help you need. The most important thing is to remember that no one knows what it’s truly like to live your life every day. Don’t lose hope in yourself, and if you are ready to accept help, please do so as soon as possible!

How to overcome stigma?

There are various ways to ensure that you are getting the help you need and overcome the stigma associated with addiction and treatment. Some of these include self-awareness, understanding how social attitudes can impact how we see others, and stereotypes that may be hurtful.

To reduce stigma, individuals should: offer compassionate support, and be respectful of lifestyles. avoid hurtful labels and instead use relevant evidence-based facts, avoid stigmatizing language as well as other forms of hate speech, research the topic in question before making unfair assumptions or statements, be mindful when discussing drug abuse with others that addiction is a disease rather than a personal choice or moral failing. [4]

Stigmas are a reflection of people around us, not of us

If you are struggling with addiction, then you may be met with some backlash from various people. Loved ones will love to prevent others from going to the rehabilitation centers in India for fear that others may find out and damage their reputation.

Addiction is an illness that will always be treated differently by people. Those who struggle with addiction may feel imprisoned by those judgments and therefore unable to get help. So, the first step in overcoming your substance abuse problem is creating a new mindset where you acknowledge that being addicted to something isn't who you really are. That's important because the treatment only works if you are working on living a sober life.

Be well-informed

Addiction is not a moral failure. It’s a medical condition that doesn't discriminate against any race, gender, sexual orientation, or part of one's identity. By informing yourself about the science behind addiction and knowing why you became addicted in the first place, you'll have the power to make improvements in your life - despite what others may think.

After you’ve worked out what the root cause of your addiction is and what the best course would be for you to attend the best rehabilitation center in India for you, that’s when you might want to think about preparing yourself for family and other members of society reacting negatively because they have an image in their minds of rehabilitation being something negative.

Add positive experiences and positive people to your sober life

Getting sober starts with a dedicated game plan that reinforces your commitment to sobriety. If you make an honest effort to change the way you live, engage in addiction recovery through the help of sober friends and other people who can back you up along the way and motivate you when you get down on yourself for relapsing, then it’s possible that your life will be better after sobriety because you are pursuing a new lifestyle.

Make an effort to spend your time with positive, healthy people who will become great additions to your life. Also, understand that an important part of dealing with addiction is to focus on addressing the underlying cause. In most cases, this means abandoning any kind of activity or person associated with your previous substance abuse habits. By clearing your life of these negative stimuli, you’re opening up the opportunity for healthy and productive activities to come into your own life that would have otherwise been closed off by your old habits.

Group therapy sessions

When you are struggling with addiction, it is helpful to surround yourself with like-minded people in order to stay on track. Joining a support group where you can openly discuss your problems and emotions surrounding addiction can be a great way to stay motivated.

Despite all the seemingly overwhelming challenges you may be facing, remember that you are not in this alone. You need people around who understand what you're dealing with and can help offer insight when needed - for example, a sponsor or counselor who can help illustrate positive methods in dealing with addiction and rehabilitation.

Reach out to those who need your help once you are in recovery

Once you have been admitted to a treatment program and have undergone rehabilitation at an alcohol rehab in India, you now have the power to be an inspiration for others who are in a similar position as you. Maybe someone is questioning whether or not they should admit themselves into a facility because of previous negative experiences with rehab, but there is always another side - one that is positive.

If your loved ones hear about your positive experiences of getting clean, they may be given hope that living a clean and sober life is, in fact, possible. And you'll gain the confidence to continue in your sobriety and overcome the stigmas associated with recovery. Stay strong!

Society has a very limited understanding of addiction. Most people can understand addictions like alcoholism and smoking, but many share a misconception that those are the only things that fall under the domain of addiction. However, there are several coping mechanisms for addictive tendencies which have almost become second nature in today’s society. You’re probably aware of unhealthy substance abuse like drug or alcohol consumption, but did you know easily acquired traits such as excessive exposure to digital media, hoarding, eating disorders or even frequent social networking internet use could all be symptoms of something more serious? By educating yourself on these methods by which different behaviors can become addictive for individuals in your life and taking steps to help those whom you love to adjust their habits in order to spark growth toward personal fulfillment and contentment, you have an opportunity to create positive change.

Addictions are widespread, and some people believe that withdrawal from addiction is worse than the effects of being addicted to various substances. However, going through drug treatment could benefit you more than any of your addictions. Help us spread the truth about drug rehabilitation by getting in touch with a top rehabilitation centre in India today!

  1. 1. Smashing the Stigma of Addiction. Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation. Retrieved on 31st March 2022 from-
  2. 2. Committee on the Science of Changing Behavioral Health Social Norms; Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences; Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Ending Discrimination Against People with Mental and Substance Use Disorders: The Evidence for Stigma Change. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2016 Aug 3. 2, Understanding Stigma of Mental and Substance Use Disorders. Available from:-
  3. 3. NIDA. 2020, April 22. Addressing the Stigma that Surrounds Addiction. Retrieved on 2022, March 31 from-
  4. 4. Addiction and Stigma. By Lauren Villa. American addiction centers Retrieved on 31st March 2022 from-

AUTHOR- Dr. Danish Hussain (MBBS, MD Psychiatry, MIPS)

Dr. Danish received his M.D. Psychiatry and M.B.B.S. degrees from Rajiv Gandhi University of Medical Sciences (Bangalore, Karnataka). He has worked at the Manipal Multispecialty Hospitals Bangalore, following which has continued to undergo regular training from prestigious institutes from all over the world. Dr. Danish serves as Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Psychiatry at AFSMS & RC and is a member of the Indian Psychiatric Society. Dr. Danish uses a holistic approach with his patients and brings his expertise to practice to treat varied behavioral health problems from Addiction disorders to Depression, Anxiety, Personality disorders, and OCD. Dr. Danish’s goal is to educate and inform the public on addiction issues and help those in need of treatment find the best option for them.

REVIEWED BY- Asmita Jain (M. Phil in Clinical Psychology)

Asmita is a licensed clinical psychologist with experience in a wide variety of areas, including mood-related difficulties, anxiety, trauma, addictions, and personality disorders. She has completed her M. Phil in clinical psychology from the Post-graduate Institute of Behavioral and Medical Sciences (Raipur, India) in 2021. She has worked in diverse settings, including inpatient, and outpatient, and is currently practicing in a dual diagnosis facility. Asmita likes to simplify complex medical information on drugs, addiction, alcoholism, and treatment therapies to make them easy to read and understand and help this information reach those who need help.

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