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Making the decision to get your loved one help means convincing them there is a problem and pointing them in the direction of help. That sounds easy, but actually learning how to help an addict is not that simple. It takes a good amount of determination and one-on-one support from others to accomplish this. At the top rehabilitation centres in India, counselors can work with immediate family members to give you the tools and insight you need to get your loved ones to make changes.

If a loved one has an addiction, going to the best rehabilitation centres in India can make a world of difference. It may seem like an obvious thing to do, but having support and advice means your loved one will be more likely to achieve a state of sobriety permanently. The process, while different for everyone, may even involve seeking professional help from outside sources such as treatment specialists or support groups at the best alcohol addiction treatment centres in India.

Perhaps the most challenging part when it comes to learning how to help an addict is realizing that you can't "fix" someone who doesn't want to change. Even with an intervention and family support, an addict must decide to get treatment for drug addiction on their own in order for a rehabilitation program at a rehab centre in India to work.

What Is Denial?

Denial is when someone ignores, downplays, or distorts reality. You may end up using this as a way to protect yourself from having to see, deal with, or accept the truth about what’s happening in your life right now if this article's inconvenient truths are starting to slip into your consciousness. People who overuse alcohol and drugs tend to have a hard time dealing with their emotions because they are running away from them. You will rely on alcohol and drugs to help you escape from your feelings instead of facing them head-on. Denial is another way to ignore problems because people with substance use or alcohol use disorder often times can see all too clearly that they are doing something horribly wrong but choose instead not to heed the warnings their rational mind has given them about what taking these things does for them! [1]

There can be many types of denial within Alcoholics Anonymous and other twelve-step programs. Twelve-step members commonly experience denial that they have a drinking or drug problem (denial of the general proposition), typically reflected in their view that they are not powerless to control their consumption. Moreover, members often deny that using hard drugs has caused them specific problems like job loss, financial stress, legal difficulties, or damaged relationships; typically, these types of claims are viewed as evidence for the claim that a person is an addict. That’s where rehab comes in with its step program. It helps people identify their triggers and figure out how best to avoid them so they don’t end up drinking again! [2]

Provide insight regarding reality to them

Quite often people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol can be so caught up in their own world and living fast-paced lives that they don’t really know the pain they are causing other people. They can only see things from the perspective of their immediate future.

Stages of denial in substance use disorder [3]

Denial is a survival mechanism of the brain that causes the person to deny what is happening. It can serve to protect the mind from having to confront beliefs and circumstances that may be too painful. Acknowledging this condition may be difficult for individuals experiencing it due to the accompanying shame:

Blame. Sometimes it may easier to point to another person or external factor for the reason for substance misuse.

Concealing. This can look like masking evidence of substance use, like hiding substances.

Rationalizing or minimizing. You may downplay the severity of your substance use disorder, or offer excuses for substance use. This could sound like, “I only had two drinks today” or “I had a terrible week, I just want to take the edge off.”

Self-deception. You may tell yourself you don’t have a problem, that it’s not that bad, or that your friends and family are overreacting. This might sound like, “I don’t have a problem. I wish my family would stop asking about it.” [3]

What we want you to keep in mind is that change needs to happen as soon as possible! We can use the following examples to bring reality to their mind-

Has their use impacted school or work, so much so that it is impacting your family?

Have they engaged in reckless behavior that has caused you to worry about your safety and the safety of others?

Provide examples.

Have they caused financial hardship for the family? Provide examples.

Do you think that they are unsafe to be left around children? Do you fear for their health?

Providing facts like this can help them get a "reality check" of sorts. It shows that they cannot hide their drug use, and they need to do something about it because maybe their drug abuse isn't as hidden as they think it is.

Reminding someone of the facts related to their drug use can help discourage them from going down that path. Reinforcing the fact that your loved one cannot hide it (meaning since you know about it, others will quite possibly realize it too) and implying that this is not an acceptable means of dealing with things like stress for example can be very beneficial in helping them understand how their actions will only lead to consequences that aren't beneficial to anyone involved.

Discontinue enabling behavior

Perhaps your loved one is using drugs or alcohol because they can. In other words, you supply their basic needs including somewhere to live, food on the table, and the ability to get money. However, this isn't enough meaning they avoid their responsibilities. On the face of it, this seems impossible particularly as you probably wouldn't allow them the opportunity.

Enabling a loved one isn't about giving them drugs or turning your head when they are using. It's different from that. Rather, it's making excuses for them, ensuring they aren't mad at you, and providing the money they need to continue doing what they do.

Co-dependent, or co-alcoholic, was originally defined in the late 1970s and early 1980s to help families and spouses of individuals with alcohol and drug problems. Mostly in line with family systems ideas, the model addressed the family members, especially wives, who "interfered" with the recovery. It was suggested that their behavior made it less difficult for the addict to continue drinking or using drugs. The idea was that the caring behavior manifested by family members and spouses actually "enabled" the addict to continue using. [4]

In order to stop enabling, you have to make sure you don't say anything and avoid showing any sign in the beginning because it makes it difficult to continue this lifestyle even more than before.

Provide the best treatment options at the top luxury rehabs in India

Finally, learn how to help someone get the treatment they need by means of a drug rehab program at the best rehabs in India. Before you do this though, make sure that you meet with an addiction treatment professional at the best rehab centres in India. Once this is done, you can show your loved ones they have a clear path in front of them that leads directly to getting the help they need so as to become sober again. We’re happy to provide you with all of the necessary information and resources to help you find the best rehabilitation centre in India because we remember what it was like when our loved ones did not have proper access to the alcohol or substance abuse treatment services they possibly desperately needed! Hope this helps and keep fighting!

Seeking help to learn how to help an addict can be a very stressful step in the right direction, but when it comes to substance abuse, we do our best to help you every step of the way. We want you to be able to count on us as a resource throughout your recovery process because we know it’s important.

If a person in your life is addicted to drugs, it can sometimes be hard to find a way to get that person the help they need. You don't have to try to do it on your own, though. At RehabsIndia, we're here for you no matter what issue are you going through with someone who has an addiction problem. If you want to learn more about the solutions and how the best de-addiction centres in India can help heal people from many different addictions of all kinds, it's vital to give us a call now so we can talk about some potential options for recovery!

  1. 1.WebMD. Addiction: What Is Denial? By Kathleen Fordyce (2021). Retrieved on 15/04/2022 from-
  2. 2. Pickard, Hanna. "Denial in addiction." Mind & Language 31.3 (2016): 277-299.
  3. 3. Lancer, D. Substance Abuse: The Power of Acceptance. PsychCentral.
  4. 4. Westermeyer, R. (2005). The Codependency Idea: When Caring Becomes a Disease. Retrieved on 15/04/2022 from-

AUTHOR- Dr. Danish Hussain (MBBS, MD Psychiatry, MIPS)

Dr. Danish received his M.D. Psychiatry and M.B.B.S. degrees from Rajiv Gandhi University of Medical Sciences (Bangalore, Karnataka). He has worked at the Manipal Multispecialty Hospitals Bangalore, following which has continued to undergo regular training from prestigious institutes from all over the world. Dr. Danish serves as Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Psychiatry at AFSMS & RC and is a member of the Indian Psychiatric Society. Dr. Danish uses a holistic approach with his patients and brings his expertise to practice to treat varied behavioral health problems from Addiction disorders to Depression, Anxiety, Personality disorders, and OCD. Dr. Danish’s goal is to educate and inform the public on addiction issues and help those in need of treatment find the best option for them.

REVIEWED BY- Gauri Kapoor (Addiction Recovery Counselor)

Gauri Kapoor embarked on her journey into sobriety 7 years ago, which led her to her current career path as a Certified Professional Addiction Recovery Coach in Delhi, India. She works closely with facilities that provide residential addiction treatment such as 12-Step programs and other nonprofits to help individuals deal with their addiction.

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