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Recognizing drug or alcohol problems in oneself, family members or loved ones can be a difficult and frustrating process. There are many obstacles that may rise up in your way and it takes a strong level of resilience to get through the entire process unscathed.

Throughout your life, you have no doubt come into contact with one or more addicts – whether it be a family member, friend, or co-worker. Now when we say addict, we aren’t talking about somebody who uses drugs once in a while for recreational or party purposes, but rather someone who has been addicted their entire lives and isn’t able to overcome the brain changes that have resulted from repeated substance abuse. As such, it is important to understand the many signs of addiction and how people cope with overcoming this chronic disease.

Addictive drugs can take over our bodies and minds, but there’s not just one way to beat an addiction. There are different kinds of interventions that need to be customized for different kinds of people. You should always get help from a professional who understands the state you’re in, that’s why you should use the service of the best rehabilitation centres in India because the teams there know how to help addicts who can’t control the urge for self-destruction or those who wish to overcome temptation and learn how to resist it.

For some people, the idea of making significant lifestyle changes may elicit fear and anxiety. Tough times and setbacks may cause some people to falter. It also might uncover some uncomfortable truths about yourself: Do you try to persevere when challenges arise? Do you waver?

It is imperative to be able to bounce back from adversity. It is important to meet any and all challenges head-on, even if you still have a long road ahead of you. Those who have a difficult time bouncing back are often reliant on their substances of abuse in order to forget or escape what they're facing and this dependency can be the difference between relapse and rebound during the recovery process. If you or someone you know has lost control when it comes to substances, help is available within the various programs that provide rehabilitation for addiction at the best de-addiction centres in India.

Adversity can sometimes bring people together, but it can also break them apart. How you deal with the hard times impacts how much adversity you experience in your life and those of those around you. If things aren't going quite as planned, try to realize that there's not necessarily anything you are doing wrong but rather that almost all humans have a hard time adjusting their plans when they need to be changed. This is where having the right people in your life is invaluable. Professionals, especially therapists who specialize in helping all kinds of addicts and alcoholics beat their addiction or sobriety issues, can help in coping with these problems so that you don't get discouraged or feel like nothing will ever change! You'd be surprised at what miracles one can produce when they put their minds to it!

Defining Resilience for addiction purposes

The most commonly cited is the standard definition of Resilience proposed by Luthar et al. [1] and Masten [2] [3] as ‘resilience is a positive adaptation in spite of adversity. Sometimes the level of adversity is qualified as ‘significant’, ‘severe’, or ‘extreme’ to underline the study of the participants of the exceptionally difficult circumstances had to deal with (e.g., physical/sexual abuse, family violence). [4]

What is resilience?

Resilience is an internal strength that empowers a person to keep going despite setbacks, hard times, and difficulties they encounter. Having resilience allows them to feel good about themselves and have a positive outlook on life even in the toughest situations.

Resilience is a skill that people need in order to successfully overcome their addiction, trauma, or stress. Having resilience is empowering and will help those battling drugs or alcohol, trauma, or hardship to bounce back.

Additionally, resilience can protect the mind, like a forcefield of sorts. For instance, resilience can absorb things that increase the risk of mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. Resilience can also help offset the risks related to being bullied or experiencing other traumatic experiences. Ultimately, resilience is a protection mechanism for managing and coping with things in life.

Someone who may feel like they don’t have the endurance or persistence to get through their addiction and quit using those substances may be happy to know this character attribute isn’t something you’re either born with or without. The ability to persevere can evolve as a result of thoughts, behaviors, and actions.

Resilience as a key factor in treating and recovering from substance abuse, and dependence has been widely discussed in the literature over the last decade (Broder, 2006; Landua, 2007; Ostaszewski & Zimmerman, 2006). [5]

Resilience is a quantifiable asset that participation in a treatment program at the best rehab centre in India can increase. You are curious about how resilient you are? You should consider reviewing the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale. It consists of 25 items and uses a 5-point rating scale. Higher scores on this scale reflect more resilience. Evaluating your own resilience using this scale can help you gain insight into where your natural strengths lie so that you might direct your efforts into becoming even more resilient by incorporating what works for you as part of your regular routine.

Resilience can be a great thing to have as an individual undergoing the drug or alcohol recovery process. Being resilient means you'll be able to withstand any cravings or impulses you may feel as you stop using certain substances. As you quit different substances and pursue being sober, it's likely that oftentimes you will want to give in when your willpower is tested on some days over others. While giving up your appetite for substances, resilience will help keep you faithful and committed to achieving your goals.

Having resilience is like having an invisible shield to protect against unwelcome setbacks or people who might not have your best interest at heart. Resilient people understand that their past cannot control their future and that holding on to failures from the past is a trick of the mind. By building up your emotional, mental, and psychological strength, one can develop a resistance to potential trigger points, which may arise in all areas as an individual steps forth toward recovery. When people feel emotionally supported, socially accepted, and mentally nurtured for example by a worthy support group, this breeds optimal progress toward recovering from addiction and makes it easier for them to abstain from further destructive behavior in the future.

How can one increase their resilience?

Co-occurring disorders are quite prevalent in today's society. Individuals who experience traumatic events or any mental health issues may have higher chances of also dealing with substance abuse disorders. They may try to self-medicate their issues by using drugs and alcohol, especially when experiencing anxiety and depression, which can make it harder for them to control their negative thinking patterns. One way a person can boost their resilience is to learn coping mechanisms for life problems such as committing themselves to a 12-step program that reframes negative thinking into positive ways of dealing with various challenges on a daily basis. Thus, helping them regain control over their own lives again.

People can gain mental strength and resilience by mentally visualizing their goals as already accomplished. This visualization helps the mind take positive action toward those goals. While in recovery, avoid dwelling on negative internal dialogue and self-doubt. Instead, have a vision and view things from a more positive outlook.

Negative thoughts can be destructive and hold us back from achieving a better, more fulfilling life. It is important to keep positive thoughts in mind when pursuing recovery from drug or alcohol addiction, as these negative thoughts have the potential to make sobriety seem unattainable. Working with an addiction specialist at a top rehabilitation centre in India who is a trained professional in the field of alcohol and drug rehabilitation in India, can help you set goals that you hope to accomplish for yourself during your time in a rehab centre in India and beyond.

Setting goals is also helpful to people who wish to stay sober because one of the things that can help them in maintaining this goal will be by prioritizing their long-term goals. By setting up a strategy and knowing what they want to achieve at the end of the day, it will be easier for them to resist short-term gratifications.

Seek help whenever needed in recovery

During the recovery process, there can be a lot of obstacles to overcome. Emotional, mental, and legal too - which can be especially devastating when you fall off the wagon. Similarly, succumbing to cravings is tough sometimes. These are experiences that we should learn from. But the best way to do this is not by simply accepting them as failures or dead ends, but rather by taking these opportunities as valuable lessons on the road to betterment because they will help us become more strong-willed and capable of overcoming any obstacles that may come up in our future endeavors! Our goal as humans with an addiction problem is to become better than what we were before we fell into it because otherwise, what's the point?

It’s important to remain focused on your recovery and sobriety goals while having others there to support you like addiction specialists, family, friends, and those in group therapy sessions with you. It not only helps you work towards changing old habits but also helps you manage stressful circumstances that may arise during recovery.

Gaining the resilience to overcome all obstacles that may come your way during recovery is a process. The whole point of resilience is being able to roll with the punches, so you’re going to need a lot of practice at overcoming difficulties as they come up during your recovery. A good place to start would be meeting up with people who understand what you’re going through –– like friends and family members in recovery, or joining a support group where you can share experiences and learn how to progress forward. If those opportunities aren’t available to you right now, take the time to talk with a professional at a luxury rehabilitation centre in India who can help assess where exactly you are in your recovery. This will lead to developing an effective treatment plan for promoting resilience and well-being!

Deciding to stop using drugs and alcohol you've used habitually is a big decision, and abstaining from them entirely is even bigger. Some people don't have the fortitude necessary to make that leap, which can be frustrating when the prospect of giving up both together seems so daunting. It’s okay if you're not ready for this, though; we all make preparations before casting our nets into new waters. Many of us may feel powerless to make an independent change without help from others, so it's important to find someone who can support our recovery in whatever way needed during this tough stage as part of the rehabilitation process.

At the top 10 rehabilitation centres in India, clients are provided with customized care and therapy. This ensures that they are comforted and feel cared for during the recovery process - especially important when faced with intense withdrawal symptoms. Clients can also receive individualized care and therapy in order to learn how to be honest with themselves and others without relying on alcohol or drugs. Furthermore, clients will be encouraged to practice mindfulness and respond to any stressful emotions they experience without having a drink or a pill.

RehabsIndia is today's best source dedicated to providing you with the list of rehabilitation centres in India that are willing to offer you no-nonsense addiction treatment and afterward be at your service any time you need a change, whether that's a one-time visit or more. Take a look at the professionals they have on staff and their specialties. Don't wait for it to get worse before deciding to take action! This web page offers you all the information you might need about what the best alcohol rehabilitation centres in India can do for you and your loved ones.


  1. 1. Luthar SS, Cicchetti D, Becker B. The construct of resilience: a critical evaluation and guidelines for future work. Child Dev. 2000;71:543–62.
  2. 2. Masten AS, Best KM, Garmezy N. Resilience and development: Contributions from the study of children who overcome adversity. Dev Psychopathol. 1990;2:425–44.
  3. 3. Masten AS. Ordinary magic: resilience processes in development. Am Psychol. 2001;56:227–38.
  4. 4. Rudzinski et al. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy (2017) 12:41. Is there room for resilience? A scoping review and critique of substance use literature and its utilization of the concept of resilience.
  5. 5. Harris KS, Smock SA, Wilkes MT. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 22:265–274, 2011. Relapse Resilience: A Process Model of Addiction and Recovery. DOI: 10.1080/08975353.2011.602622

AUTHOR- Dr. Niharika Singh (MBBS, MD Psychiatry, MIPS)

Dr. Niharika Singh received her MBBS degree from Kurukshetra University, following which she went on to complete MD Psychiatry from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore. During her residency program, she pursued her thesis on psychosocial factors and personality profiles of early and late onset alcohol dependence syndrome. With a view to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field of mental health, she then continued to train regularly with premier institutes such as Harvard Medical School - McLean Hospital (USA) in Mind-Body Medicine, Beck Institute (USA) in Cognitive Behavior Therapy, NIMHANS (Bangalore) in Addiction Psychiatry, Behaviour Medicine, Clinical Neurophysiology and Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation and has completed Fellowship in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation from Duke University (USA). After post-graduation, her goal has been to inform the public about addiction issues. Her mission is to help those in need of treatment find the best option for them. And with this being her consistent vision, she believes in de-stigmatizing the field of addiction psychiatry and rehabilitation center treatment in India and has been working at a licensed dual-diagnosis facility in New Delhi. Through her contributions to she aims at providing licensed, professional rehabilitative care choices to patients and their families.

REVIEWED BY- Sudipta Rath (M. Phil in Clinical Psychology)

Sudipta Rath completed her MPhil in clinical psychology from Utkal University in Odisha (India) in 2020 and is currently practicing in New Delhi as a clinical psychologist at dual diagnosis facility. She is a licensed RCI practitioner specializing in all forms of psychotherapy. Addiction and mental health are personal subjects for her, and her goal is that she can give a helping hand to those seeking healthy and lasting recovery.

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